Triton Logistics Accused of Altering Log Books in Deadly Crash

A truck driver involved in a fatal I-64 collision claims his company, Triton Logistics, manipulated electronic log books to falsify rest times, sparking an NTSB investigation.

Triton Logistics Accused of Altering Log Books in Deadly Crash
Photo of Triton Logistics semi after the crash. Source: Wavy.

In Williamsburg, VA, a serious accusation has emerged against Triton Logistics following a fatal crash on Interstate 64 that occurred 15 months ago. The National Transportation Safety Board reported that the driver, involved in the deadly incident, alleged the company had a method for altering electronic driving logs. This manipulation aimed to show he had more rest than he did, potentially contributing to the crash's severity.

Photo source: WTKR

The National Transportation Safety Board released photos showing both vehicles at a tow yard, highlighting the catastrophic damage sustained by the bus and significant damage to the tractor-trailer. The early morning incident resulted in the loss of three lives, with the bus driver and about 23 passengers involved. Subsequent investigations pointed towards potential charges against both drivers, involving reckless driving and the condition of the bus, which was found to be overweight and limited to 40 mph.

Source: Wavy & WTKR

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