Instawork Data Indicates US Supply Chain Rebound

As per Instawork's data, the US supply chain is experiencing a recovery, with west coast manufacturers at the forefront of this trend.

Instawork Data Indicates US Supply Chain Rebound
Photo by Max LaRochelle / Unsplash

Data from the flexible work marketplace Instawork points to a potential rebound in the US supply chain. Notably, in the manufacturing sector, hourly wages have surged by 12.1% year over year in June, indicating increasing labor demand as businesses begin to ramp up again.

Instawork's data also suggest that this revival is primarily led by manufacturers on the west coast, where demand for labor in Los Angeles increased by 38% in Q2, while in the Bay Area, the demand saw a whopping 59% surge.

Moreover, there has been a 52% spike in shift hours in Los Angeles, signaling growing production activity. If these trends continue, the overall economic outlook for the latter half of the year appears promising.

Source: Supply Chain Management Review

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