Senior Spending Boosting the Economy

A growing population of financially stable elderly Americans are spending at record highs, defying rising interest rates.

Senior Spending Boosting the Economy

What's the secret sauce behind resilient consumer spending regardless of rising interest rates? The elder American demographic are doing their part to keep a recession at bay.

Seniors aged 65+ accounted for a hefty 22% of spending in 2022, the highest in half a century.

Seniors aged 65+ accounted for a hefty 22% of spending in 2022, the highest in half a century. Image Source: WSJ

The Aging Equation

  • In August, a record-breaking 17.7% of the population was 65 or older.
  • Elderly Americans are financially secure and borrowing less.
  • Seniors hold nearly 26% of household wealth, the highest since 1989.
  • They have minimal debt and are less affected by rising housing costs.

Inflation Resilience

  • Seniors received a 8.7% boost in Social Security payments.
    - Their spending is less vulnerable to unemployment due to retirement.

Economic Lifesavers?

  • The unprecedented $77.1 trillion wealth amassed by baby boomers challenges recession fears.

Living Life to the Fullest
Experts suggest the spike in senior spending is a lingering psychological impact of the Pandemic. In other words: life's short.

Lifestyles have changed, and today's seniors are more active and culturally involved. Hiking, e-biking, traveling, arts, and theater are more frequent senior hobbies.

Source: WSJ

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