Switzerland Eyes Underground Freight via Self-Driving Pods

Cargo Sous Terrain' plans underground self-driving pods for freight, aiming to reduce road traffic by 40% and CO2 emissions by 80%.

Switzerland Eyes Underground Freight via Self-Driving Pods
Image Source: Cargo Sous Terrain

Switzerland's ambitious "Cargo Sous Terrain" (Underground Cargo) project proposes a vast underground system for autonomous pods to transport goods nationwide. As truck driver shortages and elevated fuel prices trouble the globe, this initiative strives to diminish reliance on trucks and the associated CO2 emissions, which presently constitute around 6% of global emissions. CST asserts this would cut Swiss road traffic by 40% and reduce CO2 emissions by 80% per cargo ton, using renewable energy.

Envisioned to span 500 km from Geneva to St. Gallen by 2045, CST has already secured 100 million Swiss Francs for the initial 70-km section's planning. Once realized, these tunnels, situated 40-80 meters underground, will host self-driving pods with a speed of approximately 30 km/h.

Source: CNN

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